
1. It's time to start working. First, as you already mentioned in the TASK section, you will make groups of 3 people.

  • GROUP 1> Tyrannosaurus 
  • GROUP 2> Velociraptor 
  • GROUP 3> Brachiosaurus 
  • GROUP 4> Spinosaurus 
  • GROUP 5> Pterosaurio
  • GROUP 6> Diplodocus

We have 3 weeks (6 sessions) to complete the task.
-The first two sessions will be to investigate the web.
-The next two sessions will be for the completion of the exhibition.
In the two latter one-session work done and shall send explorers museum information will be presented.

2. Two. The first thing you must do is search in the webquest all the information that is relevant to the section that you have chosen, in paragraph RESOURCES you will find several links, activities and games that you will assist to carry out the task. It is also good to use other resources such as Google, YouTube, web pages ..

You must record all information obtained and adding concepts as skipping forward in the investigation. You will use this information for the exhibition, outlining and selecting the most important concepts.

3. On the information obtained, depending on the dinosaur that I have touched, you can not miss: 
- What does the word dinosaur? 
- What dinosaurs ate? 
- When dinosaurs became extinct? 
- How a fossil is formed?
  • Review the possible misspellings, accents included, that you were able to make in your work. To do this, perform the activities proposed below in the RESOURCES section and then correct your work.
4. When you can make the exhibition include images, for them to create a folder named "images" where skipping device storing those who has touched that you consider interesting. 
Once you have collected images and information is when you capture it all on display taking care possible misspellings.

5. Time to expose your work orally to the class has come. Work sharing between group members and follow these tips for a good exhibition:
 1. Put yourself in front of people so that everyone can see you without disturbing the vision of supporting materials that you use in your speech.
2.If you are who begins the exhibition reminds Greetings Introduction: Hello, good morning ... etc.
3. Expose the main ideas in order, for it can take a schema.
4. Attempts to explain things without reading, keeping pace and tone.
 5. Pronounce words well, slowly.
6. Housekeeping gestures.
7. Do not repeat the same word many times, you try to find synonyms.
8. Present a new paragraph to make a brief introduction. For example: "Now I will talk about heart function ...". 
 9. Give the listener a chance to ask questions: "Now it's your turn", "If you want to ask a question," "If there is any doubt .." etc.
10. If you're the one who ends the exposure, say goodbye and thank the attention you have given: "Thank you for your attention." ..

6. Finally, you ought to add the information to your colleagues and your each group sent explorers (

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